Uewerkaerjeng, Letzebuerg

Yearly Weather Summary: 27/07/24 07:30

temperature and dew point
Average Temperature 11.6°C
Average Dew Point 7.8°C
This year:
High Dew Point
Low Dew Point

20.8°C at 20/06/24 20:37
-11.7°C at 20/01/24 06:09
hi lo temperatures
This year:
High Temperature
Low Temperature

30.6°C at 09/07/24 17:10
-9.8°C at 20/01/24 06:09
wind chill and heat index
Average Wind Chill 11.4°C
This year:
Low Wind Chill

-11.2°C at 09/01/24 08:34
Average Heat Index 11.1°C
This year:
High Heat Index

31.5°C at 20/07/24 15:55
Average Humidity 79%
This year:
High Humidity
Low Humidity

100% at 02/01/24 02:24
33% at 26/06/24 17:43
Average Rain Rate 0.1 mm/hr
This year:
This year's Rain

689.1 mm
Maximum rain day 47.2 mm at 29/06/24
High Rain Rate 105.7 mm/hr at 29/06/24 22:24
Average Barometer 1012.8 mbar
This year:
High Barometer
Low Barometer

1035.7 mbar at 27/01/24 08:35
982.1 mbar at 17/01/24 16:30
Average Wind 4 km/h
This year:
High Wind

60 km/h from 157° at 22/02/24 18:45
This year:
Average Wind

4 km/h
This year:
RMS Wind

5 km/h
wind direction
Average Wind direction 225°
wind vector
This year:
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction

2 km/h
wind gust vector